
Light Rye Flour
Protein: 6.8%
Extraction Rate: 80%
Flavor profile: Mild with light spicy flavors and herbaceous notes
Great to use in: Breads, crackers, cookies, pancakes, and brownies.
Rye has been used by artisan and home bakers for centuries, and is now experiencing a renaissance, thanks to the excellent flavors of heirloom and hybrid varieties, such as Brasetto and Bono, developed by the German breeder KWS to have excellent flavors and high yields.

Our Light Rye is all the rage, and for good reason! We finely sift it, resulting in a silky smooth texture and light color, but our stone-milling process means that it retains the sweet and earthy flavors of the whole-kernel flour. This is a very versatile flour, and really shines in biscuits, pancakes, pie crusts, cookies, and brownies. And of course it.s great in breads! Try substituting rye flour for some or all of your all-purpose or bread flour and taste the difference!

All of our products are USDA Certified Organic by OCIA, and all are Kosher, certified by the Chicago Rabbinical Council.